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Ying Zhang,Hong Wang,Yan Wang,Shengping Mao,Guifu Ding
Advanced Materials Research Vols.468-471(2012) pp286-289
electrothermal,microswitch,latching,bistable micromechanisms(BMs),single beam, 

This paper presents the design, fabrication and characterization of single beam for latching electrothermal  microswitch.  This  microswitch  consists  of  two  cantilever  beams  using  bimorph electrothermal  actuator  with  mechanical  latching  for  performing  low  power  bistable  relay applications. A stable state can be acquired without continuous power which is only needed to switch between two stable states of the microactuator. The single beam is discussed mainly to judge the possibility of realizing the designed function. First, reasonable shape of the resistance is designed using finite element analysis software ANSYS. Then, mechanical performance was characterized by WYKO NT1100 optical profiling system, the tip deflection of single beam can meet the designed demand.


版权所有:2020年 上海市非硅微纳集成制造专业技术服务平台       技术支持:上海屹超