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Chang Liu, Yu Zheng, Guifu Ding, Jing Wu and Faheng Zang
Proc IMechE Part N: J Nanoengineering and Nanosystems
Carbon nanotube, field emission, finite difference time domain–particle-in-cell, random distribution array


In this study, the field emission characteristics of carbon nanotube field emitters and arrays fabricated by carbon nano-tube implantation process are analyzed by the combination of the finite-difference time-domain and particle-in-cell methods. Carbon nanotubes with different shapes are simulated and their electron trajectory properties are compared. A spacing optimized carbon nanotube field emission array is developed and the impact of random distribution in carbon
nanotube length and tilt angle is also investigated. These results are useful to develop an optimized carbon nanotube field emission array that fits current fabrication capabilities.
版权所有:2020年 上海市非硅微纳集成制造专业技术服务平台       技术支持:上海屹超